Hello, There's a group of people here in the wider Arnhem area who are interested in setting up a project to measure not just Feinstaub, temperature, humidity and air pressure, but also other values such as NOx and O3. Luftdaten.info is of course a great inspiration for this project. Would it make sense to store that data in your database, or would it be better to run our own? We already noticed it would be fairly easy to add new sensor types to https://github.com/opendata-stuttgart/feinstaub-api/blob/master/feinstaub/se... . Would you be open to adding some new sensor and value types there? Do you store data indefinitely or is it periodically cleared? I noticed there's a version of the map software that allows switching between different kinds of measurements, available at https://maps.luftdaten.info/belgium/. Do I understand correctly that this is based on the same software, but is another database instance? What would be the most suitable place for our data? Kind regards, Arnout